
Assignment 1 extending REC

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CS510: Special Assignment 1

2 Assignment
This assignment consists of extending REC to allow for the queue data structure and its respective
operations. The resulting language is dubbed RECQ.
A queue is a linear data structure, often implemented as a linked list, that follows the FIFO (First
In First Out) principle.
Figure 1: Depicition of a queue data structure
With the FIFO principle, the first inserted object can be accessed in O(1) time. The queue is
a simple, versatile data structure with plenty of real world applications. For this assignment, the
addq, remove, emptyqueue, element, size, and, empty? operations will be implemented.
1. Emptyqueue: Creates an empty queue.
utop # interp ” emptyqueue “;;
2 – : exp_ val Recq . Ds . result = Ok ( QueueVal [])
2. AddQ: Adds an element to the back of the queue.
utop # interp ” addq (4 , addq (3 , addq (2 , addq (1 , emptyqueue ))))”;;
2 – : exp_ val Recq . Ds . result =
Ok ( QueueVal [ NumVal 4; NumVal 3; NumVal 2; NumVal 1])
Please note that the order of the QueueVal from right to left represents the queue from front
to back. In this example, the first value is 1, followed by 2, followed by 3 and finally ending
with 4.
3. Removes: Removes the first element from the queue.
1 utop # interp ” remove ( addq (4 , addq (3 , addq (2 , addq (1 , emptyqueue )))))”
,→ ;;
– : exp_ val Recq . Ds . result = Ok ( QueueVal [ NumVal 4; NumVal 3; NumVal
,→ 2])
Building upon the example introduced in the addq operation, the remove operation removes
the first value of 1, leaving 2 as the next front value followed by 3 and 4.
If the queue is empty, return an error indicating that the operation failed due to an empty
queue. To expedite the grading process, please return “Remove: Queue is empty.”
4. Element: Returns the front most element on the queue without modifying the queue.
utop # interp ” element ( addq (4 , addq (3 , addq (2 , addq (1 , emptyqueue )))))
,→ “;;
2 – : exp_ val Recq . Ds . result = Ok ( NumVal 1)
If the queue is empty, return an error indicating that the operation failed due to an empty
queue. To expedite the grading process, please return “Remove: Queue is empty.”
5. Size: Returns the amount of elements in the queue.
utop # interp ” size ( addq (4 , addq (3 , addq (2 , addq (1 , emptyqueue )))))”;;
2 – : exp_ val Recq . Ds . result = Ok ( NumVal 4)
6. Empty: Returns a boolean indicating whether the queue is populated or not.
utop # interp ” empty ?( addq (4 , addq (3 , addq (2 , addq (1 , emptyqueue )))))”
,→ ;;
2 – : exp_ val Recq . Ds . result = Ok ( BoolVal false )
3 Implementing queues in REC
To facilitate the process of implementing stacks in REC, a stub has been provided for you in Canvas.
This sub has been obtained by taking the interpreter for REC and applying some changes. Here is a
summary of the changes:
1. The parser.mly file has been updated so that the parser is capable of parsing expressions such
utop # parse ” element ( remove ( addq (43 , addq (21 , addq (28 , addq (19 , addq
,→ (32 , remove ( addq (1 , addq (4 , addq (5 , emptyqueue )))))))))))” ;;;
The result of parsing this expression would be:
– : expr =
2 Element
( Remove
4 ( AddQ ( Int 43 ,
AddQ ( Int 21 ,
6 AddQ ( Int 28 ,
AddQ ( Int 19 ,
8 AddQ ( Int 32 ,
Remove ( AddQ ( Int 1 , AddQ ( Int 4, AddQ ( Int 5 , Var ”
,→ emptyqueue “) ) )) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
2. Note the new additions to
1 type expr =
| Var of string
3 | Int of int
| Add of expr * expr
5 | Sub of expr * expr
| Mul of expr * expr
7 | Div of expr * expr
| Let of string * expr * expr
9 | IsZero of expr
| ITE of expr * expr * expr
11 | Proc of string * expr
| App of expr * expr
13 | Letrec of string * string * expr * expr
| Set of string * expr
15 | BeginEnd of expr list
| NewRef of expr
17 | DeRef of expr
| SetRef of expr * expr
19 | Pair of expr * expr
| Fst of expr
21 | Snd of expr
| EmptyQueue
23 | AddQ of expr*expr
| Element of expr
25 | Remove of expr
| IsEmpty of expr
27 | Size of expr
| Tuple of expr list
29 | Debug of expr
3. Note the new addition to
1 let list_of_queueVal : exp_ val -> ( exp_ val list ) ea_result = function
| QueueVal l -> return l
3 | _ -> error ” Expected a queue !”
4 Trying Out Your Code
We have provided a few test cases in the stub on Canvas. In the parent directory, run:
1 dune runtest
This will run the test cases that we have provided for you. Please note that these test cases are by
no means exhaustive. We encourage you to thoroughly test your submission on edge cases. You
can do so by typing out various commands in the interpreter as demonstrated in section 2.
5 Submission Instructions
Submit a file named SA1_<SURNAME>.zip through Canvas. Include all files from the stub.

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