
Homework #2 (Lexical Analyzer)

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COP3402: Systems Software

Homework #2 (Lexical Analyzer)
(Solo or Team assignment – Same team members who implemented HW1)
Due Oct. 1, 2021 by 11:59 p.m.
If you do not follow the specifications your grade will be zero
In this assignment you have to implement a lexical analyzer for the programming language
PL/0. Your program must be able to read in a source program written in PL/0, identify
some errors, and produce, as output, the source program lexeme table and a list of tokens.
For an example of input and output refer to Appendix A.
Lexical Conventions for PL/0:
A numerical value is assigned to each token (internal representation) as follows:
constsym = 1, varsym = 2, procsym = 3, beginsym = 4, endsym = 5, whilesym = 6, dosym
= 7, ifsym = 8, thensym = 9, elsesym = 10, callsym = 11, writesym = 12, readsym = 13,
identsym = 14, numbersym = 15, assignsym = 16, addsym = 17, subsym = 18, multsym =
19, divsym = 20, modsym = 21, eqlsym = 22, neqsym = 23, lsssym = 24, leqsym = 25,
gtrsym = 26, geqsym = 27, oddsym = 28, lparensym = 29, rparensym = 30, commasym =
31, periodsym = 32, semicolonsym = 33.
Reserved Words ::= const, var, procedure, call, if, then, else, while, do, begin, end, read,
write, odd.
Special Symbols ::= == != < <= > >= % * / + – ( ) , . ; :=
Identifiers: identsym ::= letter (letter | digit)*
Numbers: numbersym ::= (digit)+
Invisible Characters: tab, white spaces, newline
Comments begin with // and end at the next newline. Multiline comments are not
accepted. Take care as in Windows text files a new line is ‘\r\n’ while in Linux and Mac
systems a new line is ‘\n’ There is no way to escape from a comment once started, except
by reaching the newline.
Refer to Appendix B for a declaration of the token symbols that may be useful.
1. Identifiers can be a maximum of 11 characters in length.
2. Numbers can be a maximum of 5 digits in length.
3. Comments should be ignored and not tokenized.
4. Invisible Characters should be ignored and not tokenized.
Important Note: Input files may NOT be grammatically valid PL/0
1. In your output’s Token List, identifiers must show the token and the variable name
separated by a space.
2. In your output’s Token List, numbers must show the token and the value separated
by a space.
3. The token representation of the Token List will be used in the Parser (Project 3). So,
Detect the Following Lexical Errors:
1. Variable does not start with letter.
2. Number too long.
3. Name too long.
4. Invalid symbols.
Submission Instructions:
Submit to Webcourse:
1. Source code named lex.c
2. Instructions to use the program in a readme text file.
3. This is a team assignment (the same team members who worked together in HW1)
or a solo assignment.
4. Only one submission per team.
5. The name of all team members must be written in all source code header files, in a
comment on the submission, and in the readme.
6. Include comments in your program.
7. Same policy on late submission as in HW1. If there is an extension, no late
submissions accepted
8. Output should print to the screen and should follow the format in Appendix A. A
deduction of 5 points will be applied to submissions that do not print to the screen.
9. The input file should be given as a command line argument. A deduction of 5 points
will be applied to submissions that do not implement this.
● You could create a transition diagram (DFS) to recognize each lexeme on the source
program and once accepted, generate the token otherwise emit an error message.
● Use the C function iscntrl() to check for whitespace rather than hardcoding
acceptable control characters. Your program should function regardless of what
control characters are present in the input file. iscntrl() will not check for a standard
space character (‘ ‘)
● Use the C functions isalpha() and isdigit() to check for letters and digits
● The only guaranteed whitespace is the whitespace that separates identifiers,
numbers, and reserved words. All other whitespace is optional. Assuming no length
o If an identifier is followed by a number with no whitespace, it is an
o If an identifier is followed by a reserved word with no whitespace, it is an
o If an identifier is followed by an identifier with no whitespace, it is an
o If a number is followed by an identifier with no whitespace, it is an invalid
identifier error.
o If a number is followed by a reserved word with no whitespace, it is an
invalid identifier error.
o If a number is followed by a number with no whitespace, it is a number.
o If a reserved word is followed by an identifier with no whitespace, it is an
o If a reserved word is followed by a number with no whitespace, it is an
o If a reserved word is followed by a reserved word with no whitespace, it is
an identifier.
Error Handling:
● When your program encounters an error, it should print out an error message and
● When you are reading in a token that begins with a letter, read in characters until
you reach one that is not alphanumeric (at which point you check for reserved word
and move on to the next token) or you reach the twelfth consecutive alphanumeric
character (at which point you print the Excessive Identifier Length error and stop).
● When you are reading in a token that begins with a number, read in characters until
you reach one that is not numeric (at which point you tokenize the number and
move on) OR you reach the sixth consecutive number (at which point you print the
Excessive Number Length error and stop) OR you reach a letter (at which point you
print the Invalid Identifier error and stop).
● When you are reading in a token that starts with an invalid symbol, print out the
error message and stop.
For this assignment, we are providing you with a skeleton. You must implement the
function lexeme *lexanalyzer(char *input) in lex.c. You may add as many helper
functions and global variables as you desire. This function takes the input file contents
as a string and should return the lexeme list unless there is an error, in which case it
should return NULL. lex.c also includes two printing functions: printerror which will
print the error message and free the lexeme list, and printtokens which will print the
lexeme table and token list and mark the end of the lexeme list. Make sure to call one
of these functions before you return from the lexanalyzer function. For these functions
to work, you must have the list and list index as global variables. We also provide
driver.c which handles reading in the input file and calling lexanalyzer as well as
compiler.h which includes the lexeme struct and token type enumeration. Additionally
a make file, two examples, and a bash script for testing are included.
-100 – Does not compile
15 – Compiles
20 – Produces some entries to list/table before segfaulting or looping infinitely
5 – Follows IO specifications (takes command line argument for input file name and prints
output to console)
5 – README.txt containing author names
10 – Prints both the list and table formats
15 – Prints out message and stops execution after encountering error
5 – Is not context dependent
5 – Is not whitespace dependent
10 – Supports all four errors
10 – Supports all thirty-three symbols
Appendix A: (More examples can be found in the skeleton file on Webcourses)
If the input is:
// this program multiplies two numbers given by the user
const one := 1;
var x, y, result;
procedure mult;
if x > one then // x number of recursive calls
x := x – one;
call mult;
result := result + y; // after we make x recursive calls we
can start adding y
// initialize values
read x;
read y;
result := 0;
call mult;
write result;
The output should be:
Lexeme Table:
lexeme token type
const 1
one 14
:= 16
1 15
; 33
var 2
x 14
, 31
y 14
, 31
result 14
; 33
procedure 3
mult 14
; 33
begin 4
if 8
x 14
> 26
one 14
then 9
begin 4
x 14
:= 16
x 14
– 18
one 14
; 33
call 11
mult 14
; 33
end 5
; 33
result 14
:= 16
result 14
+ 17
y 14
; 33
end 5
; 33
begin 4
read 13
x 14
; 33
read 13
y 14
; 33
result 14
:= 16
0 15
; 33
call 11
mult 14
; 33
write 12
result 14
; 33
end 5
. 32
Token List:
1 14 one 16 15 1 33 2 14 x 31 14 y 31 14 result 33 3 14 mult 33
4 8 14 x 26 14 one 9 4 14 x 16 14 x 18 14 one 33 11 14 mult 33 5
33 14 result 16 14 result 17 14 y 33 5 33 4 13 14 x 33 13 14 y
33 14 result 16 15 0 33 11 14 mult 33 12 14 result 33 5 32
Appendix B:
Declaration of Token Types:
typedef enum {
constsym = 1, varsym, procsym, beginsym, endsym, whilesym, dosym, ifsym, thensym,
elsesym, callsym, writesym, readsym, identsym, numbersym, assignsym, addsym,
subsym, multsym, divsym, modsym, eqlsym, neqsym, lsssym, leqsym, gtrsym, geqsym,
oddsym, lparensym, rparensym, commasym, periodsym, semicolonsym
} token_type;
Token Definitions:
constsym 1 const
varsym 2 var
procsym 3 procedure
beginsym 4 begin
endsym 5 end
whilesym 6 while
dosym 7 do
ifsym 8 if
thensym 9 then
elsesym 10 else
callsym 11 call
writesym 12 write
readsym 13 read
idensym 14 identifiers
numbersym 15 numbers
assignsym 16 :=
addsym 17 +
subsym 18 –
multsym 19 *
divsym 20 /
modsym 21 %
eqlsym 22 ==
neqsym 23 !=
lsssym 24 <
leqsym 25 <=
gtrsym 26 >
geqsym 27 >=
oddsym 28 odd
lparensym 29 (
rparensym 30 )
commasym 31 ,
periodsym 32 .
semicolonsym 33 ;

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