
Lab Week 2: Stack Implementation

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CPE 202
Lab Week 2: Stack Implementation
The goal of this lab is to implement the Stack Abstract Data Type using two different implementations
1. The built in List construct in Python
2. The simple linked data structure covered in class.
As discussed in class you are to allocate a list of size stack_capacity and use this to store the items in the stack.
Although the usual list in python expands when more storage is needed, there is a mechanism for a fixed size
list, for example my_list = [None]*10 creates a list of size 10. Note you will implement a method to check if
the stack is full. (This prevents the stack from using more space that a user might want. Think of this as a
requirement for an application on a small device that has very limited storage.) In the case when a user attempts
to push an item on to a full stack, your push function (method) should raise an IndexError. Similarly if a user
tries to pop an empty, your pop function (method) should raise an IndexError. Finally you cannot use any of the
built in list operations to implement your stack classes.
Additional Requirements:
• All stack operations must have O(1) performance (including the size() operation)
• Your stack implementations must be able to hold values of None as valid data
The following starter files are available in Canvas, and after you have added your code, these are the files you
will upload to Canvas for this lab:
• Contains an array (Python List) based implementation of the Stack class
• Contains a linked based implementation of the Stack class
• Contains comprehensive tests to ensure your implementations in
work correctly.
• Contains comprehensive tests to ensure your implementations in work correctly.
(Note that the class in each stack implementation is named Stack, and both implementations follow the same
specification in regard to the operations on the Stack)
Submit to PolyLearn two files:
• containing a list based implementation of stack and a linked implementation of stack. The
classes must be called: StackArray and StackLinked . Both implementations should follow the above
specification and be thoroughly tested.
• contains your set of tests to ensure you classes work correctly
Make sure that your functions have a docstring that describes its purpose.

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